Sunday, January 11, 2009

Just Once, Think of ME

Ever feel this way? I know I have those days.

Someday I just feel like all I do is not even worth the time anymore because it gets un-done so quickly! I'm not talking so much about everyday house cleaning or laundry, those are just nasty little chores that we deal with. I'm talking about certain relationships, keeping the peace for what? I mean really, why do we not just say what we feel? Why do I have to be the one to remain irritated to save someone else from being upset? I am quite sure I have gone above and beyond what a normal person would, so why not think about myself for once?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Surgery Soon

Sometimes karma can come back and bite us in the ass. LOL! I run and lift weights on my days off, I make a huge effort to eat right and drink the recommended amount of water every day. I have a nice size hernia that I have to get surgically repaired. SIGH! Well ......... what do you say?

I may have to skip out on the 5k this month but it should not have much impact on the MS150, which is good. Next week I will be meeting with the surgeon to set the day so it looks like I will have at least four weeks off work. What will I do with myself?! UGH!!